Thursday, August 5, 2010

Found my answer!

Whenever I read any HR related magazine, my eyes fall upon write-ups by leading HR consulting firms on employee engagement. While most of the HR consultants advise their client upon ways in understanding motivation drivers and driving high employee engagement levels, they are unable to assuage “push factors” that encourage their own employees to leave. Such a disillusionary state of affairs, makes their internal employees feel a wide gap between “advised” reality and “experienced” reality. The stalwarts of the HR consulting firms often disregard this state in cover of lack of time (caused due to stringent client deadlines and expectations).

I wonder - Does it really incapacitates the ability of the management in HR consulting firms to pay employees with their time and attention?

As demanding it is, the ability to keep the employees connected and listened to is not a herculean task. The answer resides in simple day-to day initiatives. At QC, I observe three key basic capsules of motivation that keeps me engaged:

Capsule I: Unified and well-bonded team

It may sound cliché; the truth is that we all work as a family. QC family do has its share of disagreements and squabbles, but at times of turbulence, we all support and stand-by each other.

Capsule II: Friday Luncheons

Every Friday, lunch is “on-the-house”. The entire team eats together, talk of trivial matters including some related to work and enjoy the time together. It is the best time to pull each other’s leg and gossip.

Capsule III: Micro- Management is the last resort

In QC, micromanagement does have a place, but it is the last resort. Most often than not, I have the autonomy to test and implement new ideas related at project in hand.

I have found my answer -Hope you have found yours!

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